
规划司隶属于工程系 & 规划并为分区上诉委员会提供指导和人员配备, 规划委员会, 地盘图则覆检委员会, 保护委员会, 授权董事会, 历史委员会及历史地区委员会. 像这样, 它帮助这些董事会, 委员会和委员会在地方管理其职责, 关于分区和分区控制的州和联邦法律, 地盘图则检讨, 维护城市总体规划和休憩空间及康乐计划, 各类营业执照的签发, 湿地保护法, 历史保护.

规划司的一般任务是提供以下方面的技术咨询意见, 并协助实施, 关注城市经济发展和生活质量的政策和项目, 包括但不限于, 涉及适当土地使用和土地使用规划的政策和方案,以及保护和增强我们城市的自然/环境和人为/历史资产.

更具体地说, 规划署的使命是为市民服务, 它的民选公职人员, 委任的委员会/委员会,我们支持/工作人员在一个有效的, 有礼貌, and professional manner; to advise the Administration on matters of policy and procedure within the purview of the boards and commissions we staff and support; to cooperate with other departments and divisions to jointly advocate for and advance the policies and 项目 mandated by the Administration; to provide technical advice to the Administration and to other departments and divisions; to identify policy proposals, 项目, projects and opportunities that may be beneficial to the economic development of the city and the quality of life of its residents and to bring these to the attention of the Administration; to undertake reSearch and development of projects as directed by the Administration; and to strive to enhance the quality of our contribution to the city’s progress by seeking out and taking advantage of opportunities for continuing education and training to increase our knowledge of laws, 规则, 与分区委员会或上诉委员会的工作有关的规例及程序, 规划委员会, 地盘图则覆检委员会, 保护, 委员会, 历史委员会及历史地区委员会.


